Rhew Lab
Rhew Lab
R.C. Rhew
Unexplained high and persistent methyl bromide emissions in China
Sea animal colonies enhance carbonyl sulfide emissions from coastal Antarctic tundra
Unique biogeochemical characteristics in coastal ghost forests – The transition from freshwater forested wetland to salt marsh under the influences of sea level rise
Atmospheric CCl4 degradation in Antarctic tundra soils and the evaluation on its partial atmospheric lifetime with respect to soil
Application of copper(II)-based chemicals induces CH3Br and CH3Cl emissions from soil and seawater
Chloroform (CHCl3) emissions from coastal Antarctic tundra
The Saga of the Snow Lab’s Data
Global methyl halide emissions from rapeseed (*Brassica napus*) using life cycle measurements
Methyl Chloride and Methyl Bromide Production and Consumption in Coastal Antarctic Tundra Soils Subject to Sea Animal Activities
Halocarbon emissions from a degraded forested wetland in coastal South Carolina impacted by sea level rise
Ecosystem-Scale Measurements of Methyl Halide Fluxes From a Brackish Tidal Marsh Invaded With Perennial Pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium)
The atmospheric partial lifetime of carbon tetrachloride with respect to the global soil sink
Haloform formation in coastal wetlands along a salinity gradient at South Carolina, United States
Carbonyl sulfide produced by abiotic thermal and photodegradation of soil organic matter from wheat field substrate
Large methyl halide emissions from south Texas salt marshes