(Fall 2024) ESPM 15 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences

co-instructor Dr. Tina Mendez holding forth


ESPM 15 is co-taught this semester by Dr. Tina Mendez and Dr. Robert Rhew. ESPM 15 is designed to introduce students to the biological and physical science underlying environmental problems, focusing on water and air quality, global change, cycling of energy and matter, waste and pollution, biodiversity, and preservation of ecosystems. ESPM 15 is organized into 5 modules that include activities and case studies that explore intertwined environmental and human processes. Notably, this course will focus on: 1) Physical World 2) Ecosystems, Global Cycles & Biodiversity 3) Human-Environment Interactions 4) Energy & Climate Change 5) Land Use Change

Aug 24, 2024 9:00 AM — Dec 6, 2024 11:00 AM
Lewis 100
UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720

Note for Fall 2024: Class capped at just above 200 students

  • Prior offerings Every semester this course is co-taught by 2 ESPM professors
  • Required Textbook The Earth System by J. F. Kasting, L.R. Kump, and R.G. Crane (4th ed., 2022)
  • Additional readings will be posted on bcourses.