Fall teaching and research opportunities

(August 1, 2023) In the Fall Semester, Prof. Rhew will be offering Geog 143 (Global Change Biogeochemistry), NatRes 24 (Global Environment Theme House), and UGIS 192D (Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program).

GEOG 143 - Global Change Biogeochemistry - was just recently added to the course offerings for the fall semester, so there is plenty of room to enroll. This semester’s weekly schedule will be somewhat unique, with two sessions per week: Tuesday from 9-10 a.m. (1 hour) and Thursday from 9-11 a.m. (2 hours). We are trying this new setup to better facilitate the in-class activities that are incorporated into the design of the course. Tuesdays will be lecture based, while many of the Thursdays will involve hands-on ‘labs’ to provide students with the opportunity to learn how to develop field methods, make measurements, analyze data, and model results. The two hour sessions will allow enough time to complete these exercises.

NatRes 24 - Global Environment Theme House (GETH) - is only open to first year students who have been admitted to the GETH Residential Theme Program at Clark Kerr Hall. This is a live-learn experience for 23 first years that includes a weekly seminar, individual projects, and group activities surrounding environmental themes.

UGIS 192D - Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) - is an internship program in which students apply through the URAP website. After a 2 year hiatus owing to the pandemic, we are accepting new laboratory apprentices this fall with a team of at least 3 undergraduate researchers to spin up multiple projects related to trace gas biogeochemistry. This is a prime opportunity for motivated undergraduates to develop critical research skills to prepare for future scientific and engineering jobs and/or graduate school, or possibly a senior thesis. Applications are due August 28, 2023. Apprentices will be selected before September 8th.

Robert Rhew
Robert Rhew

Professor Rhew is the Principal Investigator of the UC Berkeley Atmospheric Biogeochemistry Lab