Rhew wraps us Resident Faculty and GETH advisor terms

(May 1, 2024) This past semester, Rhew completed his dual role as the Global Environment Theme House (GETH) faculty advisor and a Resident Faculty member in the Residence Halls

Rob bids farewell to the dorm life after serving 6+ years as a Resident Faculty member in Unit 1 and the Clark Kerr Campus, and 3+ years as the Global Environment Theme House (GETH) faculty advisor. The years were full of activities to support the live/learn experience in the Residence Halls and showed the unscripted, non-classroom side of life for students and faculty alike.

Rhew thanks the wonderful administrators at Residence Life, including Dr. Jaquelynn Thomas (Assistant Director, Assessment & Strategic Initiatives), Dr. Kawanna Leggett (Former Director of Residential Education) and Dr. Glenn DeGuzman (Director of Residence Life and Associate Dean of Students). Thanks also to the group of Residential Academic Success Specialists: Tracy Gregory, Elizabeth Boner and Julia Lyu Mears. Special recognition goes to the rotating cast of special and spectacular Resident Faculty members. Prof. Kate O’Neill was the GETH Faculty Advisor immediately prior and established many GETH traditions. Rhew gives special gratitude to the many outstanding and special Resident Directors and Resident Assistants he has worked with through the years, through both the Resident Faculty and the GETH programs. These RDs and RAs were inspiring in their dedication to improve the student experience on campus, and were simply a joy to work with.

A heartfelt thank you to the amazing and inspiring GETH students, who shined every year, even during the online pandemic year. Numerous faculty, staff and community members came to speak at the GETH evening seminar, and their talks inspired and educated the students about the wide range of pursuits that can stem from curiosity and passion about the world around us. GETH students engaged in projects on and around campus, including native garden development, educational outreach and campus improvements, among other activities.

Rhew’s entire family immersed themselves in this live/learn program, and the family is grateful to the hardworking and dedicated staff at the Residence Halls, including the building managers and the desk, dining hall, custodial and maintenance staff.

LEFT: Various programs as Resident Faculty member. RIGHT: GETH activities and retreats from 2020-2023

Robert Rhew
Robert Rhew

Professor Rhew is the Principal Investigator of the UC Berkeley Atmospheric Biogeochemistry Lab